ThePrizeFinder In-house Competition Winners
In addition to searching the web for competitions, we also run our own comps and this is where we announce the winners. Did you get lucky?
If you are new to the site, don't forget to check out our blog for our latest ThePrizefinder in-house competitions and winning advice.

£500 Prize Draw - November / December 2020
Every two months we award a £500 prize to one of our members across our websites;, and Consumer Lifestyles™.
Prize(s):£500 cashCongratulations to our winner(s):- G. Jess - "I am delighted at winning the prize. I will spend it on family and my grandchildren."
£500 Prize Draw - September / October 2020
Every two months we award a £500 prize to one of our members across our websites;, and Consumer Lifestyles™.
Prize(s):£500 cashCongratulations to our winner(s):- Y.Smith - "Didn't believe it to be true. Simply amazing!"
£500 Prize Draw - July / August 2020
Every two months we award a £500 prize to one of our members across our websites;, and Consumer Lifestyles™.
Prize(s):£500 cashCongratulations to our winner(s):- S. Bramley - "Completely shocked. It came as a lovely surprise especially with everything at the moment. The money will be put towards a puppy for our family as we lost our dog to old age last month."
£500 Prize Draw - May / June 2020
Every two months we award a £500 prize to one of our members across our websites;, and Consumer Lifestyles™.
Prize(s):£500 cashCongratulations to our winner(s):- S. Gillespie - "Absolutely fantastic. I can't believe it. I'm going to keep it for myself!"
£500 Prize Draw - March / April 2020
Every two months we award a £500 prize to one of our members across our websites;, and Consumer Lifestyles™.
Prize(s):£500 cashCongratulations to our winner(s):- C. Coles - "I intend to use the money for a holiday to Italy for myself and my husband to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary next year - assuming we are able to travel by then!"
£500 Prize Draw - January / February 2020
Every two months we award a £500 prize to one of our members across our websites;, and Consumer Lifestyles™.
Prize(s):£500 CashCongratulations to our winner(s):- M. Mcfarlane – "I was just thrilled to win £500. We're busy planning what to spend it on when lockdown is over."
Afternoon Tea Week Competition
To celebrate Afternoon Tea Week, we gave away a hamper on our Facebook page
Prize(s):HamperCongratulations to our winner(s):- Tim Graham
Back To School Competition
To help your child get ready for the new school year, we gave away a £50 voucher towards a school uniform.
Prize(s):£50 voucher towards your school uniformCongratulations to our winner(s):- Diane Radford
Summer Competition
In our Summer Competition, we offered you the chance to win a Chiminea for your garden.
Prize(s):ChimneaCongratulations to our winner(s):- Alice Dixon
Our first Instagram winner
Earlier this month we ran our very first competition on Instagram! Keep an eye out for more competitions by following ThePrizeFinder's Instagram page
Prize(s):Wimbledon towel and flannelsCongratulations to our winner(s):- Catherine Bell