Lucky New Year 2014: Jan 1st

Submitted by SuperluckyDi on Wed, 2014-01-01 08:02

Every day for the first week of 2014 we're giving away a £10 Amazon voucher - and every time you enter one of our daily comps, you'll also get an entry into our grand prize draw to win £100 CASH!

Today is our first competition and as it's the first day of a brand new year, we'd like to know:
What prize do you MOST want to win in 2014?

To enter today's competition, make sure you're registered with The PrizeFinder and logged in to your account - then leave a comment on this blog post telling us your comping resolution. We have an approval process so your comment won't appear straight away, but as long as you post it before midnight you'll be in the draw!

Don't forget, every entry you make into our daily competitions gives you one entry into the grand prize draw for the £100 cash prize - good luck!

TERMS AND CONDITIONS - January 1st daily competition
1. Open to UK residents aged 18 or over
2. Entrants must be registered PrizeFinder users and comment on this blog post with their 2014 most-wanted prize
3. There is one prize of a £10 Amazon voucher
4. The closing date for entries is Wednesday 1st January 2014 at 23.59.
5. The winner will be selected at random and informed by email within 7 days of the closing date.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS - £100 cash prize draw
1. Open to UK residents aged 18 or over
2. There is one prize of £100 which will be supplied as a cheque
3. Only one entry per person per daily draw/competition - so a maximum of 7 entries in the grand prize draw per person
4. The winner will be selected at random from all daily entries across the week of competitions and informed by email, Facebook message or Twitter Direct Message within 7 days of the closing date.


Submitted by temesed on Wed, 2014-01-01 13:01


My top three would be: cash prize with ITV, a new car or an exotic holiday, but would be happy with any kind of gadget as well :)

Submitted by RonWeil on Wed, 2014-01-01 13:05


Hoping this year is a more successful year. I have been entering literally hundreds of comps and not had a win for about 5 years!

My previous wins have been a cheap digital camera and photo frame in 2008 and a laptop in 2007. Prior to that I had a handful of small prizes - 2 or 3 dvds, one book and a £5 Amazon voucher. Not a lot really for the number of entries I have made.

Anyway, good luck everyone for 2014.

Submitted by Fidji on Wed, 2014-01-01 13:06


I would love to win a holiday to Lapland for my 6 year old daughter, she would love to meet Father Christmas! Me? I really need a new toaster! I love any and all the prizes I have won this year.

Submitted by taz2729 on Wed, 2014-01-01 13:10


I'd love another tropical holiday win...preferably the Maldives partner has just had major surgery for cancer and when she is able to travel I would like to take her back to the Maldives for some much needed peace, quiet and pampering.

Submitted by n7cc7 on Wed, 2014-01-01 13:11


the prize i will be trying for this year will be a holiday. i have won a few years ago so i need to up my entries. but to be honest i am pleased to win anything as it always comes in handy.
happy comping

Submitted by bridgetteosullivan on Wed, 2014-01-01 13:13


I would love to win a luxury weekend away with my lovely hubby. Would you believe I once won a holiday to St Lucia all expenses paid and we couldn;t go because of my husband's terrible flying phobia!! It's a good job I love him :)

Submitted by Suz2702 on Wed, 2014-01-01 13:14


I'd love to win a bed for my currently empty spare room so I can have friends to stay at the weekends :)

Submitted by Fionabrown on Wed, 2014-01-01 13:19


Just started comping in August and this year I'd like to win some money to treat my lovely family and friends!

Submitted by laracroft69 on Wed, 2014-01-01 13:33


To make sure i make time every evening to enter as many as possible before little one wakes up for a feed. xx

Submitted by Danipear on Wed, 2014-01-01 13:36


My 2 top house prizes that I would like to win in 2014 are a Kitchen Aid Mixer and a nice expensive coffee machine. Also my son and his girlfriend have just bought their first home so anything would be great . A Happy and Healthy New Year to you all xxxx

Submitted by Davidrhodes on Wed, 2014-01-01 13:37


I'd like to win a horse rug for my girlfriend who is struggling for money after losing he job in November.

Submitted by newmedia on Wed, 2014-01-01 13:42


Im planning on entering at least 50 comps every single day for an entire year - happy new year to all compers out there and lets hope its a lucky one for us

Submitted by sylvia1231 on Wed, 2014-01-01 13:48


I'd really love to win in 2014 .....
Gourmet Dinners delivered to my door
And not have to bother cooking any more.

Happy New Year to you all and Good Luck.

Submitted by laura44v on Wed, 2014-01-01 13:49


I'd love to win a break to New York, having recently lost £900 on non-refundable flights when we had to cancel our holiday there... I'm hoping that such bad luck leads to some good luck :) x

Submitted by Davidrhodes on Wed, 2014-01-01 13:50


I would like to win a rug for my girlfriend's horses. She is struggling after losing her job in November.

Submitted by gwynnington on Wed, 2014-01-01 13:53


I desperately want to win a Freeview recorder... my trusty VHS has packed up and I suppose I should move into the 21st century. Apart from that I really like to winning meals out or restaurant vouchers, as its a real treat.

Submitted by FARIDAH on Wed, 2014-01-01 13:55


Of course I'd love to win a huge cash amount for a new kitchen, but I'd also like an i-pad and a coffee machine.

Submitted by sj68 on Wed, 2014-01-01 13:56


My most wanted win this year is also needed. My washing machine and dishwasher have both been repaired twice and I don't think they'll last another year! Good luck everyone.