Hello everyone! How was your weekend, any nice wins to report? Just one little win in the post for me this week, a Kinder storybook and chocolate bar that my daughter won for creating a book with them onlin
ThePrizeFinder Blog
Hello everyone! How was your weekend, any nice wins to report? Absolutely zip, zilch, nada for me – am now 8 weeks into the worst chest infection known to man, and it has really been sapping my efforts to comp. Sitting on the sofa or lying i
Hello everyone! How was your weekend, any nice wins to report? Three little wins for me so far this March - A colouring book from Child’s Farm, for sharing a half term tip on their Facebook comp, a Babygro from a Facebook comp with Vertbaudet and
Hello everyone! How is your weekend going, any nice wins to report? A few more for me since we last spoke including an anti-bacterial hand gel and some tomato seeds, both from Facebo