Lucky New Year: Jan 1st

Submitted by SuperluckyDi on Tue, 2013-01-01 07:22

Every day for the first week of 2013 we're giving away a £10 Amazon voucher - and every time you enter one of our daily comps, you'll also get an entry into our grand prize draw to win a fabulous KINDLE FIRE HD!

Today is our first competition and as it's the first day of a brand new year, we'd like to know what your comping resolution is. Here are some ideas:

• Registering for Pinterest or Instagram
• Trying some creative competitions
• Setting up Google Alerts to find competitions for your dream prizes
• Visiting the 'new competitions' section daily on the PrizeFinder - instead of the 'closing soon' one!
• Making home-made postcards for postal entry competitions
• Starting a spreadsheet to record your wins
• Subscribing to a new magazine (how about Compers News?!)
• Listening to the radio and texting/calling in for on-air comps
• Applying for TV gameshows
• Entering more text competitions

To enter today's competition, make sure you're registered with The PrizeFinder and logged in to your account - then leave a comment on this post telling us your comping resolution. We have an approval process so your comment won't appear straight away, but as long as you post it before midnight you'll be in the draw!

Don't forget, every entry you make into our daily competitions gives you one entry into the grand prize draw for a Kindle Fire HD!

TERMS AND CONDITIONS - January 1st daily competition
1. Open to UK residents aged 18 or over
2. Entrants must be registered PrizeFinder users and comment on this blog post with their comping related resolution
3. There is one prize of a £10 Amazon voucher
4. The closing date for entries is Tuesday 1 January 2013 at 23.59.
5. The winner will be selected at random and informed by email within 7 days of the closing date.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS - Kindle Fire HD prize draw
1. Open to UK residents aged 18 or over
2. There is one prize of a Kindle Fire HD
3. Only one entry per person per daily draw - so a maximum of 7 entries in the grand prize draw per person
4. The winner will be selected at random from all daily entries across the week of competitions and informed by email or Twitter Direct Message within 7 days of the closing date.


Submitted by carolemmett on Tue, 2013-01-01 20:07


Mine is to get ahead of the game with all the Prizefinder comps - using your new tracker to ignore those I have no interest in and get to the point where the only comps I have to enter are new or 'enter later' ones. Hopefully I'll then have more time to enter skill based comps (I'm normally so close to the closing date that I simply haven't got any time left to do the qualifier!)

Submitted by Suzanne12345 on Tue, 2013-01-01 20:14


To try and get into a routine with Twitter. I've never had any luck with Twitter, so tend to ignore the Twitter (and blog) entries now. Also to keep a better track of what I enter...and of course to find a bucket load of good luck :-)

Submitted by sarahlouise2 on Tue, 2013-01-01 20:19


My Comping New Years resolution is to attempt a creative comp.. only enter the comps I want to win , and finally make use of my prize wins !

Submitted by hellymart on Tue, 2013-01-01 20:23


I'm going to start tuning in to local radio stations and have a go at their 'on air' competitions (if I can get through!). I've never tried that but I'm sure there are some great prizes up for grabs for those that make the effort!

Submitted by messy84 on Tue, 2013-01-01 20:55


I need to enter earlier especially end of month ones lol. I start doing them and run out of time :( so I really need to begin earlier but I have won some great prizes thanks to this site.

Submitted by katiejess on Tue, 2013-01-01 21:29


To enter at least 10 competitions a day, either via Prizefinder or Compers News, and to ensure that I enter the weekly competitions in my local Newspaper

Submitted by geeorob on Tue, 2013-01-01 22:13


I have be less fussy with the type of competitions as should give every competition a go and sometimes one competition may lead to another.

Submitted by Judellie on Tue, 2013-01-01 22:14


To try and target prizes I actually want - and most of all to win a family holiday while my 2 are still under 12!

Submitted by xcxcsophiexcxc on Tue, 2013-01-01 22:35


My comping resolution is to start a scrap book of all my wins to give me inspiration and encouragement on times when i dont win so much!

Submitted by patio26 on Tue, 2013-01-01 22:49


1. No more voting competitions, no matter how tempting the prize is.
2. Avoid 'Like and share' competitions...
3. Enter more creative competitions (winning a creative comp gives more satisfaction!)

Submitted by TrekGal on Tue, 2013-01-01 23:02


My comping resolution is to have more self discipline. I find myself lost on Facebook and Twitter, reading updates etc, when I should be spending my comping time actually comping. So less Facebook browsing, more comping!

Submitted by judylow on Tue, 2013-01-01 23:09


I shall try to enter copmpetitions on your site daily so I don't suddenly have days and days to catch up on. Will also look for more skill based comps. which I used to do before I had a computer and make sure I note these down with any slogan used and closing date etc.

It has become much harder to win anything as more and more people enter so it's good to look out for unusual competitions.

Submitted by Morgan Spiked on Tue, 2013-01-01 23:44


To figure out how Pinterest works as there were lots of fab prizes I missed out on during December. Also to steer clear off voting competitions. Good luck everyone:)

Submitted by irkatrina on Tue, 2013-01-01 23:58


I intend to try and enter more competitions a week and enter different types - at the moment i mostly focus on facebook ones because they're easy but so many people can do it i wanna try enter more website ones!