Celebrate British Science Week 2015 - Win a Chemistry Set & Handbook from The Science Museum (CLOSED)

Submitted by tpf_kirsty on Mon, 2015-03-16 07:29

Hello everyone!  How was your weekend, any nice wins to report?  Absolutely zip, zilch, nada for me – am now 8 weeks into the worst chest infection known to man, and it has really been sapping my efforts to comp.  Sitting on the sofa or lying in bed has been ridiculously uncomfortable due to my chest being so tight, so haven’t managed to find a good comping position to combat it yet.  Am hoping that my trip to the doctor’s today will offer some more ideas on how to combat it, and get me back my comping mojo!  Did you celebrate Mother’s Day yesterday, and if so did your little ones (or not so little ones) spoil you rotten?  I was treated to some lovely handmade cards from my girls, and hubby made us all a delicious slow cooker chicken casserole and an apple and rhubarb crumble – doesn’t get much better for me!

If you have children or grandchildren, what are their favourite subjects at school?  My youngest only started school this year, but already loves every aspect of it, especially learning to read.  My eldest is nearly 9 and is old enough to know what really interests her now, and for her it is definitely science.  She loves learning about nature and wildlife, is always asking questions about how the human body works, and loved making simple electronic circuits at school.  She was thrilled when I told her that we are in British Science Week- 13 – 22 March 2015.  All over the internet and on TV there are fantastic activities going on to celebrate the week, especially geared towards children and getting them interested in all the wonderful things science has to offer.  As a child I was fascinated by science too – I loved biology at school, was intrigued by the solar system and watched more nature programmes than I can count - things haven’t changed now I am an adult!  I still love to learn as much as I can about the world around us, and encourage my children as much as I can to have an enquiring mind and seek out the answers to questions they have via the internet, books or experimentation. 

If you and your family have a thirst for scientific knowledge too, The PrizeFinder has the perfect competition for you this month!  To celebrate British Science Week we are offering all our members the chance to win a fabulous chemistry set from The Science Museum, as well as a kid’s science handbook.  If you were to win this awesome prize you could be building a mini fire extinguisher, writing hidden secret messages or identifying chemical substances by their reaction to flame!  The children’s handbook is also filled with fun facts, activities, stickers and games to keep the little scientists in your life busy and engaged for hours. 

To enter this exclusive competition, all you need to do is tell me in the comments section below what branch of the sciences most interested you as a child, and if it is still the same today.  For me it is probably biology – I loved learning about all the weird and wonderful things our bodies can do, and am still learning today.  You need to be logged into your account in order to comment and enter the competition, one entry per person and please remember that your comments will be moderated and as such won’t appear on the site immediately.

Good luck everyone and have lots of fun during British Science Week too!

Kirsty x


Terms and Conditions


  • The prize is a Science Museum Chemistry Kit and a Kids Handbook
  • The closing date for entries is 23:59 on Sunday 22nd March 2014.
  • Entrants must be registered PrizeFinder users and logged in to their account
  • Entrants must leave a blog comment with their favourite branch of the sciences at school
  • 1 winner will be chosen at random from all entries
  • Open to UK residents aged 18 or over
  • Only one entry per person
  • The winner will be notified by email within 7 days of the closing date, and must confirm their postal address within 28 days or an alternative winner will be selected



Submitted by chellew10 on Sat, 2015-03-21 08:55


Astronomy and had lots of fun with yesterday's solar eclipse - my 9 year old son was totally fascinated

Submitted by newmedia on Sat, 2015-03-21 09:23


I actually got stopped from doing Chemistry at school as the teacher thought that my best friend and I were dangerous! So they made us do History instead boo!

Submitted by Diane Wood on Sat, 2015-03-21 09:41


I'm not too keen on science myself but my daughter and my brother's children love it. I'd have to say physics as it's more mathematical, a subject I am good at

Submitted by coppelia100 on Sat, 2015-03-21 09:50


I loved all the sciences and am lucky enough to work in the science field, which I absolutely love! Lucky for me, my little girl loves Science too!

Submitted by Buddie on Sat, 2015-03-21 10:54


It was biology for me, especially the plants. An early interest in wild flowers came from various country-dwelling relatives who shared their local names for flowers and from there my interest grew and remains to this day and I have tried to pass this on to children and grandchildren, too

Submitted by lyndseybruce on Sat, 2015-03-21 10:55


I liked physics but I only did it for 2 years because, in my school, you had to choose between languages and science and I love languages!

Submitted by zoeawilkinson on Sat, 2015-03-21 12:13


I loved chemistry. I loved doing the experiments especially the ones using Potassium or Magnesium

Submitted by baddesley on Sat, 2015-03-21 15:38


I absolutely loved Physics, especially the experiments. I still love this stuff, from electrics, to electronics, quantum theory and everything to do with space!

Submitted by n7cc7 on Sat, 2015-03-21 15:51


my favorite was chemistry, loved the experiments, less so the writing it up part! good old Bunsen burners and u got to sit on a stool!

Submitted by jrandrews72 on Sat, 2015-03-21 17:27


I used to love the Experiments in Chemistry but overall I enjoyed Physics the most.

Submitted by juliebooth on Sat, 2015-03-21 19:37


I have always loved Biology. I even read a dictionary of Biology from the age of 13-16! did Biology O level and A level and also Human Biology O level and then did a BSc (Hons) in Physiology...mad about the body!

Submitted by rossiton123 on Sat, 2015-03-21 20:09


I liked Biology the most, but my eleven year old loves all the sciences. I have recently been educated on everything you need to know about black holes by him!!